The Instagram API Just Went to 11

We are really excited to announce the full range of new Instagram API features via Ayrshare API. Meta has had a few layoffs lately, but the Instagram API team is rocking it.

Let’s start with the big one that users have been requesting throughout the year…

Publish your Instagram Creator account

Since Instagram started publishing posts directly via the Graph API in January 2021, only Instagram business accounts associated with Facebook Pages have been supported. A brief review of Instagram Creators, the differences between business and personal profiles can be found here.

You can now also post with your author account, although the requirement to link your Facebook page remains. This provides a lot of flexibility for those who need Instagram’s Creator features and need to switch to a business account. (As of late June 2023, Facebook is reporting a bug where Creator accounts can’t post stories, but can post images, videos, and reels.)

How to switch to a business or creator account on Instagram?

It’s free and you can easily switch between account types. Here is a guide to the process.

Check us out for more details. Instagram Walkthrough Guide.

How to publish with API

Not only can you easily switch between Instagram account types, but you can also publish posts through Ayrshare’s API. /post endpoint:

    "post": "The best IG ever #best #awesome",
    "mediaUrls": [""],
    "platforms": ["instagram"]

Include the URL to the video, image, reel or story. See the documentation linked above for additional features.

Instagram post limit increase

The second most requested change is to increase the posting limit. Instagram now allows 50 posts in 24 hours. Previously, there were 25 posts every 24 hours. If you’re creating a lot of content, 50 posts will give you more opportunities to get your message across.

Tagging reel users, naming cover image and audio

There are three other new features that Ayrshare customers can access. For many customers, it’s just as important as creator account support and increased posting limits.

Reel user tagging

reel is now tag with Instagram users using handle You can add an array of handles to your Instagram user’s API calls.

    "instagramOptions": {
        "userTags": [
            "username": "ayrshare",    // Required: Instagram username
            "username": "johnboy",     // Required: Instagram username

Important note: Instagram users receive a notification when you use your username in a post. Be careful not to spam users or post usernames repeatedly. In that case, Instagram may suspend or deactivate your account.

reel cover image

reel support cover image Or you can still use offset. use coverUrl Parameters of the API call.

    "instagramOptions": {
        "thumbNailOffset": 30000    // milliseconds
        "coverUrl": "" // Reels only

If both coverUrl and thumbNailOffset are included, coverUrl is used.

Naming reel audio

When uploading a reel with audio, the default name for the audio is “Original Audio”. That’s not ideal, so now you can directly name the audio with: audioName field.

    "post": "The description of the video",
    "mediaUrls": [""],    
    "instagramOptions": {
        "reels": true,             // required for Reels
        "shareReelsFeed": true,    // optional
        "audioName": "This is the best"    // optional

Note: you can only change the name once, either during reel creation or afterwards on the audio page.

Here’s an example of setting the Reel audio name to “This is the best”.

Based on early client feedback, we’re really happy with the new update on Instagram and hope to see more from you soon!


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