Introducing TikTok Direct Publishing, Analytics, and Commenting

We are excited to announce that through our partnership with TikTok, Ayrshare now has TikTok posting, advanced post analytics, and comment management capabilities directly through the TikTok API.

What does this mean and why is it better?

A brief summary follows.

Key Features:

  • Direct Video Publishing. Previously, you had to get a TikTok mobile notification, open the TikTok app, type some text, and click a few screens to post a video. Videos are now automatically posted with caption text and appear directly on your TikTok feed.
  • caption text The video sent with the post is now appended to your video. Previously, you had to manually enter text in the TikTok mobile app.
  • Thumbnail Settings in the video.
  • Import, add and delete comments on TikTok posts.
  • Advanced Demographic Analysis DataThe country and age range of your video viewers, and more.
  • Hashtag recommendation Directly from TikTok.

We’ll go into more detail in the next section.

Direct TikTok posting

Previously, publishing a TikTok video meant making an API request, waiting for a push notification to fire on your phone, opening the TikTok mobile app, manually entering caption text, and approving the video.

That’s a lot of effort for users!

Important for existing linked TikTok accounts: All users who currently connect Ayrshare and TikTok will retain this old TikTok workflow. Unlink and reconnect your social accounts to use the new direct posting workflow, or /disconnect endpoint.

Ayrshare’s partnership with TikTok allows you to publish TikTok videos directly. With a simple API call, you can add caption text, embed a video, select a thumbnail image for your TikTok video, and the video can be automatically posted to TikTok or scheduled for posting at a later time.

Here is a sample of a post using Ayrshare. Social API:

    "post": "This is the best caption for a TikTok video",
    "platforms": ["tiktok"],
    "mediaUrls": [""],
    "tikTokOptions": {
        "thumbNailOffset": 3000 // milliseconds

Advanced Analytics

In addition to direct posting of videos, TikTok API access provides: Advanced Analytics Account-level data, including likes, follower counts, demographic target data, and more:

    "tiktok": {
        "analytics": {
            "audienceCountries": [
                    "percentage": 0.25,
                    "country": "NG"
                    "percentage": 0.75,
                    "country": "US"
            "audienceGenders": [
                    "percentage": 0.25,
                    "gender": "Female"
                    "percentage": 0.5,
                    "gender": "Male"
                    "percentage": 0.25,
                    "gender": "Other"
            "bio": "My TikTok account",
            "commentCountTotal": 33,       
            "displayName": "Me and You",
            "durationAverage": "10.72",   
            "followerCount": 34,          
            "followingCount": 39,          
            "isVerified": false,     
            "shareCountTotal": 4, 
            "url": "",
            "userImage": "",
            "username": "@ayrshare",
            "videoCountTotal": 18,
            "viewCountTotal": 149
    "status": "success"

and Analytics for a specific video postIncludes demographics, views, and more:

    "id": "0IJsldvtkGwohT3s",
    "status": "success",
    "tiktok": {
        "id": "721971891198",
        "postUrl": "",
        "analytics": {
            "audienceCountries": [
                    "country": "US",
                    "percentage": 1
            "averageTimeWatched": 68.2,
            "caption": "Let's see this new TikTok Post happen.",
            "comments": 1,
            "created": "2023-04-08T16:37:10Z",
            "embedUrl": "",
            "fullVideoWatchedRate": 0.8,
            "impressionSources": [
                    "percentage": 0.3,
                    "impression_source": "Hashtag"
                    "percentage": 0.6,
                    "impression_source": "Personal Profile"
                    "percentage": 0.4,
                    "impression_source": "Search"
                    "percentage": 0,
                    "impression_source": "Sound"
                    "percentage": 0,
                    "impression_source": "Follow"
                    "percentage": 0,
                    "impression_source": "For You"
            "itemId": "72197930961198",
            "likes": 1,
            "mediaType": "video",
            "name": "Ayrshare",
            "postUrl": "",
            "reach": 1,
            "shareUrl": "",
            "shares": 0,
            "tags": [],
            "thumbnailHeight": 1024,
            "thumbnailUrl": "",
            "thumbnailWidth": 576,
            "totalTimeWatched": 341,
            "url": "",
            "videoDuration": 15,
            "videoViews": 5

TikTok comment management

Ayrshare now provides the ability to create, import and delete comments on TikTok video posts.

Let’s find out how Add comments to posts:

    "id": "WMhZJDWbTkb5rAEvXb4C", // ID from the post
    "platforms": ["tiktok"],
    "comment":"I love this post"

to the next Get comments on this post:

    "tiktok": [
            "comment": "I love this post",
            "commentId": "7219724709370577710",
            "created": "2023-04-08T16:59:30Z",
            "liked": false,
            "likes": 0,
            "owner": false,
            "pinned": false,
            "platform": "tiktok",
            "profileImage": "",
            "replies": 0,
            "status": "PUBLIC",
            "userId": "51e0cb95a8b14",
            "username": "ayrshare",
            "videoId": "7219723656732101931"
    "status": "success",
    "id": "WMhZJDWbTkb5rAEvXb4C"

Finally, let’s delete the comment.


The new advanced TikTok API access allows Ayrshare to provide unparalleled posting, analytics insights and comment management.

check Full Ayrshare API Documentation More details.

Create TikTok hashtags

Finally, the new features include: Create TikTok hashtags Keyword based. These recommendations and hashtag views come directly from TikTok.

For example, you can get featured hashtags for the keyword “apple”.


Recommended hashtags and views are returned.

    "keyword": "apple",
    "recommendations": [
            "viewCount": 71950998550, // The number of views that the recommended hashtag has received.
            "name": "apple"           // Suggested hashtag
            "viewCount": 6318280101,
            "name": "applewatch"
            "viewCount": 2486358394,
            "name": "applepencil"
            "viewCount": 2142842131,
            "name": "applemusic"
            "viewCount": 1506224079,
            "name": "applesquad"
            "viewCount": 1307287255,
            "name": "apples"
            "viewCount": 1008293028,
            "name": "applepie"
            "viewCount": 788388838,
            "name": "applejuice"
            "viewCount": 1024901638,
            "name": "appletv"
            "viewCount": 679033194,
            "name": "applechallenge"

New TikTok direct posting, comment management, analytics and hashtags are powerful additions to Ayrshare’s social media API. If you have any questions, please let us know. We’re here to help.


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