How to Prove Social Media ROI + New ROI Tracking Tool

Are you struggling to prove your social media ROI to your customers, boss, or team? In this post, we share how to prove the business impact of social media on a company’s bottom line without Google Analytics and complex spreadsheets..

Posted March 16, 2022 | Donna Moritz

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ROI or “return on investment” is a buzzword when it comes to marketing. We are often asked why we do what we do and what is the return on investment of time and money. It can be difficult, especially for social media professionals, to demonstrate the business impact of social media on a company’s bottom line.

Why should you care about social media ROI?

That’s a good question. It’s important to demonstrate that any activity, including social media, has an impact on your business. This allows you to verify the effectiveness of your work.

But so far, some marketing strategies are easier to track and quantify than others. It’s easy to track leads, website visits, and conversions, but there’s one thing that’s hard to track. That’s social media.

Simply put, social media ROI is hard to prove.

Yes, you can… but you will need the tangled mess of Google Analytics and hacking into spreadsheets and fragmented data from various sources. And don’t start UTM. The tracking link is just a mess of dog breakfast.

Unfortunately, as a result, many social media professionals are unable to effectively “prove” the business impact of content on their company’s bottom line. This unfortunately means that social media is often seen as a significant revenue generator as we know it.

These challenges were highlighted by research conducted at Agorapulse. They showed that 98.2% of social media posts that could contribute to revenue were not tracked.


if there is an easier way Want to track your content and prove your social media ROI? What if you could replace the missed UTM and data wrangling with something better (and easier)? What if social media managers and teams could prove their worth in terms of revenue?

Now you can.

Enter Agorapulse, my favorite social media management tool. I have shared my love for Agorapulse many times on this blog and served as an Agorapulse ambassador for several years. I use Agorapulse to book social content (and my group content). If you want to know more why I love Agorapulse, watch this video.

but their new ROI tracking Characteristic. It takes the situation to a whole other level and proves it. (Yes, I used the P word) ROI on social media.

Introducing ROI Tracking (Social Media ROI Demonstration)

ROI tracking is a new feature in Agorapulse that proves the ROI of social media including sales, leads and visitor behavior.

ROI tracking provides a single dashboard for content creation and analytics, powerful UTM capabilities, and actionable insights into social media activity.

Next is Google Analytics. Agorapulse’s ROI Tracking:

One. google analytics connection With Agorapulse (just a few clicks away)

2. Tracking and goal setting You can track it with ROI tracking.

4. UTM Campaign Tracking Settings – Agorapulse is easy with the following preset parameters: source (the social network you are posting to) and middle (ie social). So all you have to do is add your campaign name.

When creating a new post, you can easily create and track links inside the publisher. You can also set a default link for your campaign.

4. Start tracking your social ROI. Ready to go. It’s really easy.

Are you excited? Once you’ve set up your account, let’s take a look at what you can track!

Key Features of ROI Tracking in Agorapulse

with ROI trackingYou can get data about:

  • Accounts on Twitter, Facebook, LinkedIn, Instagram and YouTube.
  • Inbox (where you can read, review and respond to all posts on the platform).
  • Personal profiles or team members in terms of content and engagement.
  • All in one dashboard … did I say that already?
Funnel data by profile or team member.

The data in the ROI Tracking report is very useful and provides an instant overview to help you prove your social media ROI. You can view your top performing posts on any platform.

Find your popular posts. And find out what revenue they generate!

You’ll receive detailed data about where your revenue is coming from, from your last Facebook post to a personal message or comment. Yes, they are all trackable.

As you can see, it’s a game changer. Let’s wrap it up!

Summary of key product features to help demonstrate social media ROI

In summary, some key features of ROI tracking in Agorapulse are:

  • Advanced link management to automate UTM functions. This includes shortening your links and ultimately makes creating and organizing your links much easier and then tracking your links using tracking codes for social media.
  • Bring data from multiple resources into a single dashboard. It includes Google Analytics, giving you instant visibility into the most important social media metrics and performance in one place.
  • Detailed reports to help you visualize, understand and share your social media success with stakeholders and validate the effectiveness of everything you do!


through the zip

Now you can hack Google Analytics and Sheets together to save wasted time and become your team’s MVP instead! When you work with a client, you can prove the value of your content, and when you work as a team, you can make better strategic decisions.

Everyone wins with ROI tracking because now we can prove social media ROI.

Want an ROI demo?

You can request a ROI tracking demo with the Agorapulse team here.

Want to know more about AgoraPulse?

Check out my comprehensive review of Agorapulse here.

Now we have a new feature to add to the list of features shared in video… ROI tracking!

Are you reading to prove the ROI of social media?

Agorapulse’s ROI tracking is a game-changing feature that enables social media managers to turn digital interactions into meaningful connections and proven returns! What do you think about that?

Share this on Pinterest and share your ROI love!
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Donna is a Visual Content Strategist and Founder of Socially Sorted, named “5 Social Media Blogs You Should Know” by Forbes. Donna helps brands harness the power of visual storytelling and content strategy in their businesses. Her content is copyrighted by Forbes, Inc. & Entrepreneur, she is a speaker and lecturer on visual content for the marketing and tourism industries internationally.


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