How to Post a Story

We’re excited to announce Ayrshare as the only API-first platform that allows direct publishing to Instagram Stories via API.

Instagram Stories offer a dynamic and powerful way to connect with your audience and strengthen your brand. Stories allow you to share images and videos that last only 24 hours. This can include photos of your latest products, photos of upcoming events, or short video snippets for common questions. Stories are a great way to try different types of content and engage with your followers.

Ayrshare simplifies this process by allowing you to reserve stories in advance through the Instagram Stories API.

Publish Instagram stories via Ayrshare API

later Join AyrshareSending your first image or video is as easy as getting an API key and linking your Instagram account. Instagram story.

    "post": "The description of the video",
    "mediaUrls": [""],    
    "instagramOptions": {
        "stories": true,

All you have to do is add a single image or video, send the post text (Instagram doesn’t currently use text for stories) and set the parameters. stories: true. post this json Your story will be published.

Stories only last for 24 hours and then disappear.

To learn more about posting to Instagram, check out our other article on publishing Instagram Reels via the API.


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