10 Fun Meme Templates to Make Your Social Posts Relatable

If you are looking for meme templates, you are in the right place. Add some fun and playfulness to your social media posts with this fun Canva meme template.And make them relevant.

Social media doesn’t always have to be serious and educational. You can have some fun with it too! In fact, adding humor or relatable content is a great way to engage with your audience.

What are memes?

The internet definition of a meme is largely about two aspects. oxford dictionary:

  1. An element of a cultural or behavioral system that is transmitted from one individual to another by imitation or other non-genetic means.
  2. image, video. Text that is quickly copied and spread by Internet users, etc. (usually humorous). Often there are slight variations.

I’m mainly referring to the second definition in this blog post. As a Gen X human being of diversity, I have seen memes take over the internet with great curiosity. My kids are teens and they literally speak memes and sometimes my husband and I are the subject!

In fact, I actually think the memes are pretty funny. And I’m passionate about sharing GIFs on social media. So I can say. I love memes and I think they create highly relevant content on social channels that can be blended with brand, education and method content.

how To use a meme template in this post

As you know, I was one of the first Canva creators (creating templates for the Canva library). And just for fun, I make some meme templates here and there.

We’ve organized some designs into meme templates for use in social posts. You can use them “as is”, but we also recommend using the templates to create your own fun content. It could be:

  • Observation of your business or personal life
  • Fun meme posts by industry
  • This is a twist of the content you can see here.

I can assure you that as you go through the day you will continue to see the ridiculous, incomprehensible, or frustrating you personally and professionally that you notice. These observations make the perfect meme and you can showcase your ideas using my meme templates.

Canva Templates + Canva Pro Extended Trial

Get started using the Canva meme templates in this post, including free templates for all Canva users and free templates for Canva Pro users. Canva Pro gives you access to thousands of videos, elements, photos and templates from a full range. Designer on Canva Marketplace. Try Canva Pro for free from the trial link

10 fun meme templates to make your posts relevant

Use this Canva template as is, or change the image, icon, text or color to reflect your unique view of the world!

1. Coffee Meeting Meme

Are you a coffee lover? Have you ever been late for a meeting because you had to have coffee first? Am I the only one doing this?

Nevertheless, some people in the audience will relate to this scenario, and in general to the coffee meme. Posting about coffee, tea, or a beverage of your choice is usually a surefire way to engage.

2. What Your Pet Thinks (Cat Meme Video)

Click to play the video and see what Molly thinks about humans. There are millions of fun “thoughts” that pets can have about humans, so be creative and come up with a unique cat perspective. Since a large audience is likely to have pets, chances are your audience will resonate with this content! Or turn the image into a “dog” thought bubble. Hint: Use the template below.

3. Fitness Dog Meme

It’s your dog’s turn to think! It’s relevant to turn a highly hated (but necessary) day (legday!) in the fitness industry into the idea of ​​a dog. This is applicable to any industry that is talking about fitness. Share your content with fun posts like this one, or change it to something that makes you laugh!

4. Funny Social Scenario Memes

If you’ve seen the film Bridget Jones’s Diary, you’ll relate to this. This is a scenario where the only person in the past is attending a party and wearing a fancy dress. Or vice versa… heading to a fancy dress party without a fancy dress.

The point here is that these things happen and are fun! What are some interesting scenarios your audience will resonate with? Make a meme about it or share this funny meme using this video meme template. I’m sure they will be fun either way!

5. Intent vs Reality Meme Video

This is exactly what happened to me recently. Not long after planning the big day, the first member of our family tested positive for Covid. Cute isolated. Intent vs. Reality Unlock the next level!

Fortunately, the symptoms were mild, but it made me smile when I think about how the day starts and how the week ends. Use this format to share your intentions versus reality experiences.

6. Facts vs Choices Funny Animated Meme Templates

You can personalize your post by turning it into another post that you can easily edit and upvote. Whether it’s ice cream or donuts, your audience will agree with the idea of ​​a little indulgence. This is an animated template, so you can share it in image or video format.

7. Also Me TV Video Canva Meme Template

Also Me Funny Memes Instagram Videos Social Media Posts Donna Moritz (Social Sort)

Everyone can relate to this funny Netflix template. Who doesn’t want to binge on their favorite show? Use this Canva meme template as is, or change it to showcase other fun memes. Or share an observational humor that your audience will resonate with.

8. “There Was No One” Dialogue Animated Meme Template

Can you sympathize? So can your audience. We all want to spend more time making these types of posts interesting to share. Or completely change the text (and images) of the conversation to make it your own.

Note: This is an animated template, so it includes Canva animations to make it stand out!

9. Classic Photo Meme Template

This is a very easy “classic” meme style that you can apply by simply switching between photos and text. Or change it by adding a video! The text is basic and simple, but that’s the point. Classic meme text that your audience will immediately recognize as a light, fun post.

10. Sloth Productivity “Also Me” Photo Template

speak? Me too. This type of Canva meme template can be changed in seconds to represent any “me or me” joke you can think of. Change color, text, photo (or video) and make it your own!

Need more Canva templates?

want more? Follow me on Canva for 100 more templates. (including when releasing new templates). Available to both Free and Pro users of Canva, including templates for videos, infographics, images, wallpaper designs, and more!

How about you?

Do you like memes? Have fun with this meme template. We look forward to seeing what you make!

The next two tabs make the changes below.

Donna is a visual content strategist and founder of Socially Sorted, named “Top 5 Social Media Blogs You Should Know” by Forbes. Donna helps brands harness the power of visual storytelling and content strategy in their businesses. Her content is copyrighted by Forbes, Inc. & Entrepreneur, she is a speaker and lecturer on visual content for the marketing and tourism industries internationally.


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